  /    /  Vine pruning

Vine pruning.

Period: December to March

The pruning of the vines is one of the few operations that is carried out manually; it has not yet been possible to replace an experienced specialist with a machines.

Grapevine is a type of perennial shrub vine. A particular feature of vines is their ability to constantly grow and ‘explore’ new territories and heights. If winemakers do not cut vines, then the vineyards turn into impenetrable thickets.

In order for a sufficient number of grapes to ripen on the vine, it must be pruned every year. The quality of this operation depends on the harvest not only for the next year but also for subsequent years. The purpose of pruning is to adapt the loading of the eyes to the strength (energy/power) of the vine.

Here, the experience and knowledge of the winegrower are vital. It is impossible to use a person outside the profession for pruning or harvesting. Well, it is possible but the results are likely to be abysmal.

The quality of vines depends on the correct trimming thereof. In France, the death of vines is primarily associated with three diseases: Esca (Esca), spotted necrosis (Black-dead-arm) and Eutypiose (Eutypiose). The difficulty of dealing with these diseases exists firstly because of a lack of knowledge of their development (despite the fact that Esca is the oldest disease and was known to the Romans and Greeks), and secondly because of the prohibition of its use in Europe because sodium meta arsenite has been used for 2000 years. In general, a diseased vine is difficult to cure, so prevention and control of its growth and formation is important. So why do we put together pruning of vines and their diseases? When pruning, wounds can form through which various unscrupulous microorganisms enter. These are ferocious and  can subsequently harm the trunk of a bush. Eventually, the bush will die.

After pruning, it is necessary to clean the vines of last year’s branches and fold them between the rows. This is also a manual operation, which is usually carried out by seasonal workers.

Subsequently, the branches between the rows are ground with a tractor.

Further, the winemaker will prepare the vine for the future harvest; specifically, replace the old stakes with new ones and remove dead bushes.
